An Adapter works as a bridge between two incompatible interfaces.
// Assume that a table objct is a big list of items.
class Table {}
// Asbtract class or an interface to perform sorting operations on a Table Object.
class Sort {
apply(table) {}
// this concrete sorting class ships with our app
class SimpleSort extends Sort {
apply(image) {
console.log('Applying default simple sort.');
// Table can have several views like fullView, compact view, summary view etc.
// Client need to use of the view.
class FullTableView {
constructor(table) {
this.table = table;
// apply expects the instance of a class that implements the Sort interface.
apply(sort) {
// Sort interface expects a method called apply() which expects an instance of Table
// third party sorts with a differnt interface.
// doesnot implement the sort interface.
// Adaptee
class BetterSort {
// the creators of BetterSort decided to call init() everytime we need to use it.
init() {
// they decided to use render method to sort and render table as that made more sense to them.
render(table) {
console.log('Applying 3rd partys better sort.');
// client code or usage
let tableView = new FullTableView(new Table());
tableView.apply(new SimpleSort()); // works.
// tableView.apply(new BetterSort()); // TypeError.
* We have an existing class, we wanna use it somewhere, BUT
* the interface of this class doenot match the form that we expect.
* So we use the apadter pattern to convert the interface of this class
* to a different form
// Adaptor - using compostion [favour composition over inheritance]
// it is composed with adaptee: we pass betterSort in the consturctor.
// it implements the target interface of `Sort`. So, we have apply() method that our client understnds.
class BetterSortAdapter extends Sort {
constructor(betterSort) {
// we need an adptee inside the adapter to forward the client's request
this.betterSort = betterSort;
// Our adapter has this method called apply() that is compatible with our client.
// our adapter's apply takes in table and seamlessly forwards it ot the betterSort.
apply(table) {
// Adapter 2 - using inheritance rather than composition
class BetterSortAdapter2 extends BetterSort {
constructor() {
apply(table) {
// Client or Usage
// instead of plugging in an incomatible plug to our client; we plug in an adapter first and then plug in our incompatible plug to the adapter
// adapter forwards the clients request to our adaptee and return backs the adaptees response to the client.
tableView.apply(new BetterSortAdapter(new BetterSort())); // now it works: Applying 3rd partys better sort.
tableView.apply(new BetterSortAdapter2()); // it works: Applying 3rd partys better sort.
Applying default simple sort.
Applying 3rd partys better sort.
Applying 3rd partys better sort.